The Journey to Restore Sturgeon Populations: How the «Cure the Kura» Project Was Born
We release 10 sturgeon into the Caspian Sea for each 1 sold jar.

Sturgeon, often referred to as "dinosaur fish", first inhabited our planet,beginning their ancient biological journey.

Sturgeon have inhabited the Caspian Sea for over 5,000 years. Ancient roc carvings in Gobustan depict sturgeon, highlighting their long-standing presence in the region..

The Kura Production Experimental Sturgeon Breeding Farm, the first sturgeon breeding facility in the world, was established in Azerbaijan. The country soon became recognised as the cradle of sturgeon and caviar production.

After the collapse of the Soviet system, uncontrolled fishing led to a drastic decline in sturgeon populations, pushing the species
to the brink of extinction.

Established in 2017, LU-MON Holding LLC is a leading investment company based in Azerbaijan, specialising in the strategic development and execution of large-scale projects in agriculture, aquaculture, and food production. Azerbaijan Fish Farm LLC, a
subsidiary of LU-MUN Holding, is a leading sturgeon breeding and caviar production company.

Azerbaijan Fish Farm has privatized and reconstructed the Kura Production Experimental Sturgeon Breeding Farm, where the production of Baku Caviar has commenced. From the beginning, our mission has been to restore and protect wild sturgeon populations.
Baku Caviar became the first sustainable Caspian caviar in the world. A brand committed to caring for nature without compromising pleasure.

Opening of the Baku Caviar Boutique. The only caviar boutique in the Caucasus.
First sturgeon release: 1,000 sturgeon released into the Caspian Sea and Kura River.

Received the BAP (Best Aquaculture Practices) certification, becoming the only caviar brand to earn this prestigious certification.
Started exporting caviar worldwide.
40,000+ sturgeon released into the Caspian Sea and Kura river.
Conducted a scientific study on the genome of the Caspian Sturgeon in partnership with Baku State University and Izmir University.

Restorative initiative for Caspian Salmon. More than 1,000 salmon were released into the Caspian Sea.
60,000+ sturgeon released into the Caspian Sea and Kura river.

Partnership with Bologna University. Scientific study focused on the new method of caviar conservation.
40,000+ sturgeon released into the Caspian Sea and Kura river.

Cure the Kura is a collaborative effort of LU-MUN Holding, Azerbaijan Fish Farm with the Swedish Anglers Association (SAA) and the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The project aims to conserve the critically endangered endemic Caspian Sturgeon in the Caspian Sea and the Kura River by using advanced fish tracking technology to monitor and enhance the survival of both hatchery-reared and wild sturgeon populations.
120,000+ sturgeon released into the Caspian Sea and Kura river.
To this date more than 300,000 sturgeon were released into the Kura river and Caspian Sea.
Join us in Curing the Kura. Partner with us to make a lasting impact on biodiversity and the Kura river.